2013. május 30., csütörtök

Secret of the Pharaoh's

Egypt, ancient and exotic... was an ancient civilization of Northeastern Africa. 
The culture and monuments of ancient Egypt have left a lasting legacy on the world. 
I like the mystery that circulates in the air around the pyramids this is 

This kit is perfect for all kinds of artwork, whether its for a travel page, or your memory book. 

Buy here:

and some fabulous and creative artworks from my CT:

by Eagleszem

by Mskinner

by Mumure

by July-c

by zaza09

by Millu

by DitaB

...and check out the other wonderful inspiration page in the store.

2013. május 16., csütörtök

I Like Photography

I love to do photos of our life and I realised I had absolutely NOTHING photography themed in my store.

This mini kit is for those who love the look of vintage. It's all about photography. 
Works well with art journaling and mixed media as well. Create heritage layouts as well as more modern ones by layering and clustering. 

Buy here:

Here are some masterpieces from my CT

by july-c

by DitaB

by zaza09

by jeannette

by networka