2014. szeptember 2., kedd

DeviantScrap is now MISCHIEF CIRCUS & C.Y.O.C – Halloween @ Mischief Circus has arrived!

We are celebrating this event with a brand new CYOC 
This haunting tale tells a story of the darker side of the circus.
A place where the shadows play tricks and not all is quite as it seems.

As always, spend $14.99 in the CYOC – Halloween @ Mischief Circus category and receive a massive add-on kit for free!!!

We also have a fantastic chance for you to win a $100.00 gift certificate to Mischief Circus.
Simply pin your favorite Mischief Circus products on Pinterest with #MischiefCircus and link back in the forum with your Pinterest board/s and you are entered for a chance to win.


We are celebrating the relaunch of our site with a brand new CYOC – Halloween @ Mischief Circus . This truly is one of my favorite kits to date. This kit is really fun to play with and completely lends itself to telling a haunting tale of circus filled with mischief.

Want some inspiration, check out what my amazing CT did with the kit…